Absorbent material usually pulls in ultraviolet and visible light-but this new material also captures infrared and far infrared light. 吸收性材料通常只能吸收紫外线和可见光&但这种新材料还能够吸收红外和远红外(FIR)光线。
The HCN laser makes possible studies of the hitherto inaccessible region of the far infrared. HCN激光使得至今尚未达到的远红外(FIR)区域的研究成为可能。
Objective : To explore the effect of far infrared on hematopoietic cell proliferation and differentiation. 目的:了解远红外(FIR)线对造血细胞增殖和定向分化的影响。
At the same time the release of negative ions and far infrared, to maintain oral health. 提升牙周抗菌能力,给牙周更周全的护理。同时释放负离子和远红外(FIR)线,维护口腔健康。
Heat transfer is far infrared radiation heat transmission. 热量传递为远红外(FIR)辐射传热。