Whatever their faults, I have a liking for men who, as purchased slaves or captives of war, can, inch by inch, rise above their oppressors and at last seat themselves on their throne; 不管他们犯过哪些错,我同情这些人,他们从奴隶和战俘的身份,一步一步,超越自己的压迫者,坐到王位。
In general, the difference between the cost of acquisition and fair value of net assets of business share is confirmed as purchased goodwill. 目前,国际上和我国普遍将合并成本与取得的被并购企业净资产的公允价值份额的差额确认为合并商誉。
The value activities can be taking by the frims themselves, as well as purchased through market ( outsourcing ). 各价值环节的活动既可由企业自己生产,也可通过市场购买(外包)。
But the rules will apply to food eaten in grocery stores, such as meals purchased at in-house cafes. 但在杂货店里吃的食物,如在咖啡馆里买了在店里吃就需要遵循这项规则。
Invoice should certify that the goods supplied are as per purchased order of the applicant. 发票应当申明所供应的货物是根据开证申请人的采购订单的。