Two industry-specific offerings are now available, and more are planned for future release. 现在有两款面向特定行业的产品,计划今后将发布更多产品。
Based on the films planned for future release, he said he expects that negative trend to turn around by the end of 2013. 他预计,根据未来计划上映的影片来判断,这个消极的趋势将在2013年年底前发生转变。
However, in the real world of software development, you might be developing for a future release and at some point need to make an emergency patch to a version that's already in use. 然而,在现实的软件开发中,您正在开发的可能是未来版本,或者有时您可能需要为一个已经交付使用的版本准备一条后路。
Also, the ability to alert upon missing statistics is planned for a future release of EurekaJ. 同时,EurekaJ未来版本计划增加统计数据不足的警报。
Spring Social does not support these schemes in its1.0.0 release, but we are looking into them for a future release. SpringSocial的1.0.0版本中尚未提供对以上认证策略的支持,但是已经考虑在未来的发布中增加进去。