The secure_container file is in an encrypted format and just has garbage data. securecontainer文件采用加密的格式,只有垃圾数据。
AIX V6.1 provides Encrypted File System for securing data at rest, but it currently limits its usage over the NFS protocol. AIXV6.1提供EncryptedFileSystem来保护静止数据,但是当前限制了通过NFS协议使用它。
Instead, without the need for re-partitioning, you can use the Encrypted File as a Container feature for to seamlessly secure data by simply creating a container file. 但是,实际上不需要重新分区,而是可以使用EncryptedFileasaContainer特性,通过创建容器文件无缝地保护数据。
The following are the detailed steps used to configure the Encrypted File Container on SLES, which you will use to secure data over the NFS share. 下面是在SLES上配置EncryptedFileContainer的详细步骤,可以通过这些步骤保护NFS共享上的数据。
Thus, you have successfully stored your data at rest seamlessly at a remote location managed by AIX in an encrypted format secured by a password using a SLES Encrypted File Container. 这样,通过使用SLESEncryptedFileContainer,我们在由AIX管理的远程位置上成功地存储了静止数据,数据采用加密的格式存储,由一个密码无缝地保护。