Obviously, whether the quality education drive of PE in the region can be carried out successfully or not, to a great extent, is decided by the whole quality of the teaching section in schools of ethnic groups. 综上所述,少数民族中学体育教学状况是素质教育在新疆各地区学校体育教学中能否成功实践的关键,也是影响全区中学体育教学整体质量的重要因素。
In the processes to construct quality guarantee system of the Graduate Education, quality is the fundamental with innovation is the essence, and management is the key just as supervision is the basic, so the feedback is the drive. 建构研究生教育质量保证体系,质量是根本,创新是灵魂,管理是关键,监督是基础,反馈是动力。