IP address : in full Internet Protocol address; Number that uniquely identifies each computer on the Internet. IP地址:全名网际网络协议地址,在网际网络上,辨识计算机主机的专属数字。
In traditional Internet protocol, IP address not only represents the location of a network node in the internet, but also represents the identity. 在传统的互联网体系协议中,IP地址既代表网络节点的位置信息,又代表网络节点的身份信息。
The Internet Protocol defines an IP address as a32-bit number. 互联网协议将IP地址定义为一个32位的编号。
Sockets connect client-side software to server-side software using a combination of an Internet protocol ( IP ) address or a Domain Name System ( DNS ) address and port number. 套接字组合使用了一个Internet协议(IP)地址或一个域名系统(DNS)地址和端口号,将客户端软件连接到服务器端软件。
IP address An Internet Protocol ( IP ) address conforming to the Ipv6 standard which is a numerical label assigned to devices participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol. IP地址互联网协议(IP)地址遵循Ipv6标准,是分配给参与使用互联网协议的计算机网络的数字标签。