These delivery guarantees can be enforced by setting the message properties mandatory and / or immediate to true. 通过设置消息的mandatory和/或immediate属性为真,这些投递保障机制的能力得到了强化。
Sometimes they care much more than their employer or immediate superior does. 有时候,这些人对产品的关心程度甚至远远超出他们的雇主或顶头上司,而且非常固执己见。
The cost to the patient may be an economic, social, or psychological cost or personal loss to self, family, or immediate community. 病人代价可能是经济、社会或心理代价,或对自我、家庭或最近社区的个人损失。
The light ring plays an important role in the alert process, using several colors to alert those in sight of impending or immediate danger. 按钮旁边的光环在报警过程中扮演了重要的角色,它可以发出好几种颜色的光,警告人们即将或正在出现的危险。
Because Nature's editors are free from any association with societies or editorial boards or immediate commercial imperatives, we have always made the final call on what should be published. 因为《自然》的编辑与任何社会团体、编委会及直接的商业活动无关,我们始终能够把握最终的发表论文。