He's quite cantankerous, um, but he said, where is my stitch work? 他脾气不好,但是他问我,我的缝合工作在哪里?
An argumentative discourse; argumentative to the point of being cantankerous; an intelligent but argumentative child. 与人争辩的演讲;爱与人争辩到了刚愎自用的程度;一个聪明但爱与人争辩的小孩。
He met a crabbed, cantankerous director. 他碰上了一位坏脾气、爱争吵的主管。
Charlie said it was because of my cantankerous nature, especially when being started. 查理说,这是因为我的脾气古怪的性质,尤其是在正在启动。
Pinot Noir is often seen as a cantankerous grape variety. 黑比诺往往被视为一种能言善辩葡萄品种。