How to lock this key pad when user press any number? 使用者按下任何数字键时如何锁定键座?
The seminar will also provide application examples of using our device for Touch Panel applications and to give design hints to the system development as well as key pad designs. 最后,座谈还将提供以飞思卡尔产品作触摸屏应用的示例以及在系统开发和按键设计中的注意事项。
Carbon Key Pad(KP) Process Research 碳膜按键工艺研究
Application of HT series UV curable adhesives in assembly of LCD and cell phone key pad HT系列UV胶及在LCD、手机按键制造中的应用
20 key touch pad to programme test requirements. 20个键的触摸键盘用于编制实验程序。