What happens to the IT Portfolio can affect the future value of the company. IT项目组合所发生的改变可以反映出公司未来的价值观。
Returns the future value of an investment. 返回一项投资的未来值。
Carmakers fear that the future value of the car will be in the electronic technology and software brains linking the functions, rather than the steel they have been engineering for decades. 汽车制造商担心,未来汽车的价值将体现在联接不同功能的电子技术和软件大脑上,而不是他们设计制造了几十年的钢铁制成品。
The producers are speculators on the future value of their resource – and rightly so, since it is finite. 在判断所拥有资源的未来价值(FV)时,生产者就是投机者&这是对的,因为资源是有限的。
Is the future value, or cash balance you want to attain after the last payment is made 未来值,或在最后一次付款后可以获得的现金余额