The email was also sent a day after the News of the World published its final edition. 发出这封邮件的一天前,《世界新闻报》(Newsoftheworld)出版了停刊前的最后一期。
As a matter of fact, it was compiled into the draft of the contract law many times but cancelled out of the final edition. In2003, it was compiled into the draft of Civil Law Code once more. 我国立法是否要规定情事变更制度是颇受争议的,《合同法》曾在多个草案中规定过但是最终未被采纳,2003年的民法典草案又列入了此项制度。
The authors find the final edition of Mind Shi Li Zhi might be done by Met Juecheng. 特别考证了《明史·历志》的编撰过程,指出它极有可能最终出自梅成之手。
It was added in the final edition of The Theory of Moral Sentiments, embodying his anxiety about the state of morals in Britain at that time and the efforts he made to change. 它是斯密在该书最后一版时加入的,集中反映了斯密对当时英国社会道德状况的忧虑,并试图改变这种状况而所作的努力。
To read more about the fascinating gates-jobs relationship, and their poignant final hours together, pick up the November 7 issue of fortune or purchase the iPad edition of the issue in the iTunes Store. 如想了解盖茨-乔布斯更多恩怨情仇,以及他们最终分道扬镳的内幕,请购买11月7日号出版的《财富》杂志(Fortune),或通过iTunes商店订购该刊iPad版本。