Adding or moving bolts may alter the nature of the climb and devalue the efforts of the first ascent. 移动或增加锚栓可能改变路线的原貌,让首攀者的努力付之东流。
It prompted the matron to say that she would walk a little way - as far as to the point where the acclivity from the valley began its first steep ascent to the outer world. 因此这位家庭主妇说,她要送姑娘一程要把姑娘送到山谷斜坡上的那个地点,那个斜坡是通向外部世界的第一个制高点。
The first part of the ascent is not steep. 开始一段上坡路并不陡峭。
For a nation that won its first Olympic gold medal in1984, China's athletic ascent, like its economic growth, can only be described with superlatives. 作为一个在1984才赢得第一枚奥运会金牌的国家,中国运动成绩的上升速度,就和他们经济增长的速度一样,只能用“超级快”来形容。
Oil prices first hit $ 100 a barrel in January 2008, before continuing their rapid ascent to peak at $ 147 in July of that year. 油价第一次触及每桶100美元是在2008年1月。其后油价继续快速上行,至当年7月于147美元见顶。