The contract has an early termination due to Party b's liability described in the40th article. 出现第四十条规定的由于乙方的责任而提前终止(ET)本合同时。
For an early termination of his probation. 要求提前结束他的假释期。
Early termination with positional predicates. 使用位置谓词提前终止(ET)。
Early termination of a contract is a special case of contract closure that could involve, for example, the inability to deliver the product, a budget overrun, or lack of required resources. 合同的提前终止(ET)属于合同收尾的特例,例如,可能是无力提交产品,预算超支,或缺少必要的资源。
Any unit of work is commenced, it should have a consistent means to support early termination in response to a cancellation request. 可用于任何工作单元,在响应撤销请求的时候,用一致的手段支持提前终止(ET)。