In fact, it sounds as if he is being quite reasonable in offering you something else part time - which I suggest you take like a shot. 实际上,他给你提供了一些其它兼职工作,这听上去很通情达理,我建议你立即接受。
Is the government part of this study? Who else is a part of this study? 政府参与该研究吗?谁还参与了此项研究?
It's OK to admit that you can't do it all by yourself. Let somebody else do the part that's easier for them. 不妨承认自己无法独力完成,让别人接手他们游刃有馀的部分。
That's the way I see it, so everything else is just a part of life. 所以我的看法是,这一切都是为了生活。
Who else wants to take part in the reading contest? 还有谁想参加这次阅读竞赛?