This is the basis of the so-called efficient market hypothesis that has dominated financial economics. 这是在金融经济学上占支配地位的有效市场假说(EMH)的基础。
In my description of what it meant to have the Efficient Market Hypothesis(EMH). 之前我描述有效率市场假说的时候,对你们说了些假话。
The efficient market hypothesis states that historical information provides no help in forecasting share prices. 有效市场假说(EMH)认为,历史信息并不能为预测股票价格提供任何帮助。
But the efficient market hypothesis is unrealistic. 然而,有效市场假说(EMH)是不切实际的。
The relationship between monetary policy and capital markets has deep theoretic origins, which can been derived through the quantity theory and efficient market hypothesis. 货币政策与资本市场之间的关系,其深刻的理论渊源可以从货币数量理论和有效市场理论的有关论述中探寻。