That extra instruction allows the linker to insert additional code if necessary during the linking process. 如果在链接过程中需要,这条额外指令会允许链接器插入其他代码。
During the experiment, the control group received the conventional vocabulary teaching, but the experiment group received the extra instruction of phonetic rules. 在实验过程中。控制组接受近年的常规教学,而实验组除了接受常规教学外,还教授语音规则。教授完成之后。
Ant will just ignore the extra processing instruction when executing, so you have no need to generate a separate HTML file first. Ant在执行的过程中会忽略额外的处理指令,这样您就没有必要在一开始就单独生成HTML文件。
This is one of the main reasons for the official procedure descriptors, and also one of the main reasons for the extra nop instruction that follows a function call. 这是采用正式过程描述符的主要原因之一,也是在函数调用之后要再加上一条nop指令的原因之一。
Without extra cost to buyer, seller will immediately, upon receipt of written instruction from buyer, replace all rejected material, including material damaged because of unsatisfactory packing by seller. 卖方收到买方的书面说明后,应立即更换所有退回的材料,包括由于卖方不令人满意的包装导致损坏的材料,买方不承担任何额外费用。