In a mixed Infranet, embedded HTTP server is the vital equipment, which achieves the switch between HTTP / TCP / IP and spec. 在一个混和型的控制网络中,嵌入式HTTP服务器(EHS)完成了HTTP/TCP/IP协议和现场采用的通信协议之间的转换,是整个系统的关键设备。
The article puts forward a new idea about the design of embedded HTTP server, based on generality. 论文提出了一种基于通用性、移植性和扩展性考虑的嵌入式HTTP服务器(EHS)的设计新思路。
The embedded HTTP server has been successfully applied to the control system of rotor scale. 该嵌入式HTTP服务器(EHS)已被成功应用到转子秤控制系统中。
Embedded HTTP server is different from traditional embedded system. 嵌入式HTTP服务器(EHS)有着不同于传统嵌入式系统的特点。
Traditional embedded HTTP server is application-oriented and not general. 传统的嵌入式HTTP服务器(EHS)是面向应用的,不具备通用性。