I was ranting on about history and our English heritage. 我正大讲特讲历史和我们英国的传统。
Were they used to build houses or roads in the area? No one knows, but English Heritage(EH) may purposely avoid watering some areas of Stonehenge during the next dry spell to see if the answers to other puzzles emerge. 它们是否被用来在当地建造房屋和路面,没有人知道,但是英格兰遗产组织可能会在下一段干旱期有意识的避免给巨石阵的一些区域浇水,以观察其它谜团的答案是否会浮现。
English Heritage(EH) has been assisting residents ' groups with grants ( though the gardens must be open to the public for 21 days a year to qualify ) and many squares have restored the handsome railings that would originally have enclosed them. 英格兰遗产在得到许可的情况下,一直在协助住户团体(不过这些花园必须保证1年中有21天对公众开放,才算合格),许多广场重建了原本就环绕着它们的漂亮栏杆。
Stonehenge is one of the wonders of the world and is now a world Heritage site in the care of English Heritage(EH). 史前巨石阵是世界奇迹之一,现在是英国备受关注的世界遗址。
English Heritage(EH) spokeswoman Renee Fok says the cash, plus other money, puts the group two thirds of the way to its goal. 英格兰遗产女发言人蕾妮·富奥克说此资金,加上其他款项,使该组织达到了它目标的三分之二。