Equality as the key connotation of social justice theory, it has four levels meaning within early childhood education system. 平等作为社会正义的基本概念,应用于考察民办幼儿教育理论问题时,具有四个层次的内涵。
Early childhood education investment system research is one kind of quite new domain in China. 学前教育投资制度的研究,在国内基本上属于一种比较新的领域。
There is little research on equal access to early childhood education in our country, and the research on early childhood education supply system is more rarely discussed. 在我国,关于幼儿教育公平的研究不多,对幼儿教育供给体系的研究更是鲜有涉及。
Many researches have shown that it is of great realistic significance to strengthen close ties among kindergartens, families and communities to build the early children education model and operational system as three-in-one including kindergartens, families and communities. 国内外许多研究表明,加强幼儿园与家庭、社区的密切联系,构建幼儿园、家庭、社区三位一体的社区儿童早期教育模式及运行机制,形成社区儿童早期教育服务的正向合力,具有重要的现实意义。
We should establish kindergartens, families, and society, big on education, mobilizing all social forces, the Family Education work together to establish and improve early childhood family education in Lanzhou social support network system. 我们应该树立幼儿园、家庭、社会三位一体的大教育观,动员社会各界力量,共同开展家庭教育工作,建立和完善兰州市幼儿家庭教育的社会支持网络系统。