Aiming at the condition of atrocious detection environment of local detectors and non-ideal channels of local detectors to fusion center, a new feedback arithmetic is put forward in this paper. 针对本地检测器的检测环境比较恶劣和本地检测器至融合中心的传输信道为非理想信道的情况,提出一新的反馈算法。
Conventional distributed detection systems with feedback transmit the global binary decision to local detectors with the local detectors transmiting binary decisions to the fusion center. 传统的多传感器分布式检测反馈方法把融合中心的二元判决送到局部检测器,再利用局部检测器的二元判决形成下一次融合,从而需要双向通信。
The road pixels detected by the local detectors form into road segments of the corresponding direction by using curve fitting. 局部检测的各方向的道路象素经过曲线拟合形成相应方向的道路线段。
The research is given on local feature, which is based on gray information of the image directly, detected from the rotation invariant, the scale invariant and affine invariant. Comparisons and evaluations of these local invariant feature detectors are done. 研究了基于图像灰度信息的局部特征,分别从旋转不变性,尺度不变性,仿射不变性介绍各种特征提取算子,对各算子的属性进行了综合评价。