Stepwise regression analysis was used to build mathematical model of radial keratotomy ( RK ), for analyzing factors influencing on the result, and predicting the RK result. 本文运用逐步回归方法建立放射状角膜切开术预测系统的非线性数学模型,分析各因素对手术效果的影响。
These patients underwent a standard eight-incision radial keratotomy procedure. 我们所采取的手术为标准八刀切开方式。
Late onset globe rupture after radial keratotomy 放射状角膜切开术后迟发性眼球破裂
The laser surgery for vision correction that replaced radial keratotomy ( e.g., Lasik and other procedures ) is not associated with visual disturbances at high altitudes. 取代前项技术,用以矫正视力的雷射手术与高海拔的视觉障碍并无直接关系。
Mathematical model for predicting system of radial keratotomy 放射状角膜切开术预测系统中数学模型的建立