We should study ecological mechanism of forest evapotranspiration and water consumption regularity of different forest tree, and combine remote sensing and GIS to measure and count forest tree ecological water requirements and raise accurate of it; 研究森林蒸散耗水的生态机理与不同类型林木的耗水规律,结合遥感和GIS在测量与计算植被生态需水量的应用,提高区域林木需水量的计算精度;
The domain component rank cluster tree is established combine rank cluster algorithm with the distance ma - trix of domain component vector. 基于领域构件向量距离矩阵,结合等级簇聚合算法建立了领域构件等级簇树;
This paper refers to the indexing technologies of B ~ + - tree in DBMS, and combine it with the sparse numbering schema, and proposes a new indexed structure & B ~ + - tree structural index. 本文将关系数据库中B+树索引技术与SparseNumberingSchema相结合,提出了一种新的XML文件索引结构&B~+树结构索引,它对XML查询中连接操作和元素定位操作的优化有着重要作用。
3D modeling method and algorithm of tree put forward by this article combine the nature structure of Fractal with a dynamic force system. This is different from other method and is a special creative idea. 文本提出的树的三维建模方法,是树形态的自然分形结构与模拟树生长的动力系统结合的产物,与其他模型方法相比,具有独特创意。
After the realization of the particle emitter and the AABB tree hierarchy based on bounding box of the particle collision detection algorithm, and combine them together to achieve the design of the wind-field model. 之后实现了粒子发射器和基于AABB树层次包围盒的粒子碰撞检测算法,并将它们组合在一起,实现了设计的风力场模型。