Such economic empowerment often increases their social status, leading to reduced social isolation and exclusion. 增强妇女的经济地位往往能够改善其社会地位,进而减少社会隔离和排斥。
Such research will also recommend ways to remove barriers to women's economic empowerment. 研究课题还将建议以新的方式消除阻碍妇女经济赋权的障碍。
Boosting economic empowerment is a powerful way of boosting growth. 推进经济授权(EE),是一种有力的推动增长的途径。
The Prime Minister has called the bank a small step toward the economic empowerment of women. 印度总理称,该银行的创立是在赋予女性以经济权力上迈出的一小步。
The challenge is run in partnership with the Clinton Global Initiative – a foundation established by former US president Bill Clinton that pushes for health security, economic empowerment, leadership development and citizen service. 挑战赛与克林顿全球倡议(ClintonGlobalInitiative)合作举办。克林顿全球倡议是美国前总统比尔·克林顿(billclinton)创建的基金会,旨在推动健康保障、经济赋权、领导力发展和公民服务。