Research and Implementation of Improved Earliest Deadline First(EDF) Schedule Algorithm 改进型EDF调度算法的研究与实现
Non preemptive EDF ( earliest deadline first ) is selected for scheduling messages and the method for realizing the scheduling algorithm is presented based on token control. 基于此采用了非抢占EDF算法调度进行信息调度,并给出了该算法基于令牌总线的实现方法。
Priority Scheduling ( FPS ), Rate Monotonic Scheduling ( RMS ) and Earliest Deadline First(EDF) ( EDF ) are analyzed and jitter control for task is studied. 接着分析固定优先级算法、单调速率算法、最短时间限优先算法及抖动控制;
The classical earliest deadline first algorithm for resource scheduling was introduced and the priority reversal problem was analyzed. 介绍了经典的期限最近优先调度算法,分析了优先级倒置难题。
Compared with earliest deadline first and fixed priority algorithm, experiment results show that the algorithm achieves higher performance. 实验结果表明,该算法与最早截止期优先和固定优先级算法相比具有更好的性能。