A city of east central Mexico ( west of Veracruz ); a popular resort. 墨西哥中东部城市,位于维拉克鲁斯西部;是一个旅游胜地。
Upright deciduous shrub having frosted dark-blue fruit; east and east central North America. 一种挺直的落叶灌木,果实裹有白霜、蓝黑色;产自北美东部和中东部。
A city in east central China; the capital of ancient China during several dynasties. Everything appears to tell us that an urbanized commercial age has already come. 中国中东部的一个城市;有几个朝代都是古代中国的首都。这一切似乎都在告诉我们,一个都市化的商业时代就在我们的身边。
A city of east central Wyoming on the North Platte river. 美国怀俄明州中东部一城市,位于北普拉特河沿岸。
Small to medium deciduous oak of east central North America; leaves have sharply pointed lobes. 北美中部东面的一种栎树,树型小或中等;叶尖裂。