The development of environment controlled agriculture cultivation technology around the world and the disparity of Yunnan province 国内外设施农业栽培技术发展及云南省的差距
The application of controlled release fertilizer which could protect the environment meets the sustainable development of agriculture. Soilless culture technology was widely used in different fields of agricultural production. 无土栽培技术已经被广泛地应用到各个生产领域,研究控释肥料的释放特征及其在无土栽培中的应用可以为实际生产和可持续农业的发展提供科学依据。
As the original producing area, Weifang not only has ascendance on geography and environment resources, but also has good base on agriculture and technology. 作为潍县萝卜的原产地,潍坊市不仅地理位置优越,环境资源较丰富,而且农业基础好,发展速度快,科技资源优势明显。
The agriculture catastrophic risk is the bottleneck of the development of agriculture insurance. Under current agriculture insurance management environment, only the innovations of the agriculture insurance management and technology can get rid of the difficulty of agricultural insurance. 农业巨灾风险是制约我国农业保险发展的瓶颈,鉴于我国现行的经营环境,只有经营与管理技术的创新才是其摆脱困境的可行之路。
To realize the new leap of western agriculture, it is necessarily to construct the environment, adjust agriculture structure, enlarge the investment of science and technology, improve the farmer ′ s staff and adopt the road of continual development. 必须把生态环境建设作为西部农业革命的切入点,着力调整农业现存结构,加大科技投入,全面提高农民素质,走可持续发展的路子,才能实现西部农业的新飞跃。