Is the dependent variable appropriate for the study? 是否准确的确定了研究指标(因变量(DV))?
The regression process contains the likelihood of the future values of the dependent variable y being in error. 在回归分析程序中,可能使未来的应变量y值产生了误差。
Repeated measure designs are designs in which the same subject is measured more than once on the dependent variable. 重复测量设计是一种对有关因变量(DV)对同一被试进行一次以上测量的设计。
In regression, we can have only one dependent variable in our estimating equation. 在回归分析中,估计公式只能有一个相关变量。
Our differential equation will involve some sort of relation between an independent variable x and dependent variable y. 我们的微分方程将包含一个自变量x,一个因变量(DV)y。