A test log record contains two key pieces of information : a time and date stamp and a verdict. 一个测试日志记录包含两条关键信息:一个时间和日期的标签和一个结果。
Date stamp inside the front cover of the book shows when it should be returned. 书封面内的日期章说明书应在什么时候还。
The bottle of glue has exceeded its date stamp, so it has weak adhesive force. 这瓶胶水过了保质期,黏着力很差。
D { hh : mm : ss } shows the date stamp in hours : minutes : seconds. d{hh:mm:ss}以小时:分钟:秒的格式显示日期戳(DS)。
Date stamp ( ker-chunk ) every item that hits your desk. This will help you decide when to file or throw away the paper. 在你桌子上的所有文件都盖上一个日期戳(DS)。这对你决定什么时候把这些纸张是归档还是扔掉有帮助。