Based on a comprehensive analysis of the characters of delta operator, predictive control and pole placement, this paper presents a delta_operator_based generalized pole placement controller ( DGPP ), which overcomes some shortcomings of GPC using shift operator. Meanwhile, the choice of parameters is presented. 综合利用δ算子、预测控制和极点配置的特性,提出基于δ算子的广义预测极点配置控制器(DGPP),克服了q算子广义预测控制的某些不足,并给出系统参数的选择方法。
Cp And delta T is given by the heat, which has to do with how much of the candle burnt, divided by the constant pressure heat capacity. T等于热量q除以恒定的等压热容,其中热量与,蜡烛燃烧的多少相关。