Ma, that the kidney is the inherent morbidity and prolonged course basis, wet, blood stasis is an important pathological factors, and throughout the disease always, the proof is the vacuity. 马老师认为肾虚是发病和病程迁延的内在基础,湿、瘀是其重要病理因素,并贯穿疾病之始终,证属本虚标实。
Gawker fingered a mysterious rash breakout at a high school in Hollywood and other parts of Florida which hazmat and disease control teams still can't explain as further proof that zombies are taking over. 在好莱坞的一所高中和佛罗里达州的其他地方还发生的一桩离奇皮疹事件,民众纷纷指责危险物品及疾病处理队对此并不能做出解释,并进一步证明说僵尸已经正接管世界。
At the same time, china should increase corporate liability for occupational disease prevention appropriately, by changing the burden of proof from workers to enterprises, clearly stating the final liability of the enterprises and strengthening the punishment. 同时在立法中适当加重企业职业病防治的责任,确立举证责任倒置的原则,明确用人单位的终局责任,加强立法的处罚力度。
Complications resulting from the duty of disclosure deficiencies disease should apply presumed-default liability. The doctors shall bear the proof of " tell ". The scope and extent of inform should be as a standard to measure whether to fulfill this obligation. 因医务人员未尽告知义务造成的并发症赔偿责任应适用过错推定,由医方承担告知的举证责任,并以告知的范围和告知的程度作为衡量是否履行告知义务的标准。
Objective To study the disease spectrum of the cadres above divison-level so as to provide proof for the health care of military cadres. 目的了解师以上干部的疾病谱,为军队干部保健工作提供依据。