Perform an unattended backup. Do not display message boxes or prompts when backing up files. 执行无人监视备份。备份时不显示消息(DM)框和提示符。
Select the width ( in characters ) used to display message text when reading. Smaller widths are better for smaller screens. 借助阅读器阅读的文献选择阅读邮件时显示的宽度(以字符数为单位)。对于较小的屏幕,最好选择较小的行宽。
Menu script files control business process and display message on screen. 菜单脚本文件用于控制业务流程和在屏幕上显示信息。
Besides fulfilling the base function of IC card data reading and writing, IC card read-write terminals also need other functions such as collected data transferring user command inputting and display message outputting control interface providing data encrypting and so on. IC卡读写器除了完成基本的IC卡数据读写功能外,还要完成数据收集传送、控制命令输入和显示输出、提供上位机控制管理接口和数据加密处理等等功能。
The form will display a message that contains the text you provided in the web page. 窗体将显示一条消息,其中包含您在网页中提供的文本。