This year, we have veterans that are on the disabled list. 今年我们有老鸟在伤兵名单上。
He went on the disabled list on March 31. 他于三月三十一日被放入伤兵名单中。
But teams are paying pitchers so much that they don't want to risk injury and pay them that money while they sit on the disabled list. 但球队付出那麽多钱给投手,他们可不想承担因为受伤而让那些投手躺在伤兵名单内继续领薪水的风险。
Last year's World Series triumph was overshadowed by a bat-throwing incident that sullied his reputation, and he has spent more than his share of time on the disabled list. 去年世界大赛的胜利也因他向击球手回掷球棒而蒙上阴影,他的名声也因此遭致玷污;还有他整季因伤所困,长期名列伤兵名单。
The encouraging news for the Yankees is that Mussina is scheduled to return from the disabled list for thursday's series finale against the rangers. 令人鼓舞的新闻是老穆预计在星期四面对游骑兵系列赛中归队。