This tells LayoutManager that the current display list is no longer valid and that it should be updated. 这告知LayoutManager当前的显示列表(DL)已经不再有效,应该进行更新。
Failed to display list of installed helper. 显示已安装的助手列表失败。
An event only bubbles up the parent's chain of ancestors in the display list. 事件在显示列表(DL)中只向上级的父级链冒泡。
The top-level class is DisplayObject, which Flex adds to the Stage object, or the universal display list, of Flash Player. 最顶层的类是DisplayObject,Flex将它添加到FlashPlayer的Stage对象或通用显示列表(DL)。
Note that you invalidate the display list in either case because you want Flex to render ( or remove ) the focus rectangle around the box. 注意,两种情况都会导致显示列表(DL)无效,因为您需要Flex呈现(或删除)方框周围的焦点矩形。