But if OO is the theoretical underpinning, it's components that the user see and it's components that marketplace is prepared to buy, sell, trade, and rent. 如果说OO是背后的理念,则组件就是用户看得见,且是市场上可买卖交易的东西了。
Similarly, investors with a strong emotional reaction to market swings often buy and sell at the wrong time and may trade more, thus racking up hefty investment costs. 同样,对市场波动做出强烈情绪反应的投资者常常在错误的时机买卖,交易量也可能过大,因而导致投资成本巨大。
For a start, many of their clients buy and sell mutual funds in the way that an aggressive investor would trade individual shares. 首先,许多客户以激进投资者交易个股的方式买卖共同基金。
Millions of individuals buy and sell small lots of stocks and commodities while mutual funds and trusts trade in large lots. 千百万人只买卖少量的股票和期货,而共同基金或托拉斯则进行大宗交易。
By replicating the way human traders ascertain where other investors want to buy and sell stocks, the ALGOS spit out a torrent of orders, many of which are quickly cancelled before a trade is executed, all within fractions of a second. 通过复制真人交易员判断其他投资者买卖意向的方式,算法程序发出一连串交易指令(其中很大一部分在执行前被取消),整个过程耗时不足几分之一秒。