Population below poverty line in the rural areas was noticeably reduced. 农村地区处于贫困线以下(BPL)的人口显著下降。
I think a family making 80000 dollars for a family of four is below poverty line. 我认为一个四口之家年收入八万美元仍然处于贫困线下。
According to the Social Security Act, families of that size below poverty line are eligible to receive benefits from the special welfare pro - gram. 根据美国社会福利法案,四口之家收入在贫穷线以下的,有权领取社会福利救济金。
Analysis on Current Situation of Population below Poverty Line in Urban Area in China 我国城镇贫困人口现状分析
More than 10 percent of Munich residents live below the poverty line. 超过10%的慕尼黑居民生活在贫困线以下(BPL)。