From Pontoise another express was sent to the next stage, and in six hours all the horses stationed on the road were ready. 蓬图瓦兹站另派一个专差去通知第二站,在六小时之内,路上的各处驿站都已准备好了。
You see, I never expected you to forgive me for my patriotic conduct that night on the road near rough and ready. 你瞧,那天晚上我在拉夫雷迪附近大路上出于义愤得罪了你,从那以后,我从没打算你还会宽恕我。
China has initiated the Silk Road economic belt and the 21st century maritime Silk Road, and is ready to work with countries in the region to build a network of infrastructure connectivity on Eurasia, so as to deepen regional cooperation and promote common development. 中国提出建设丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路,愿与地区国家一道构建亚欧大陆基础设施互联互通网络,深化区域合作,促进各国发展。
Legend has it that Napoleon objected to the time-honored military practice of marching on the left side of the road with weapons at the ready in the right hand : it put lefties like him at a strategic disadvantage. 据传,拿破仑反对士兵站在道路的左边而右手拿着武器这一经历了时间考验的军事惯例,这项惯例让像他这样的左撇子在战术上非常不利。
Before start, on the relief road is full of the ready peddlers who will rush into their stall when the manager of market make whew like water out of gateway in order to attract customers. 待到市场管理员一声开市的哨响,像打开了泄洪匣门一样,摊主们推着大小车摊,立马冲出辅道,争先恐后地摆好自己的摊位,争取更多的时间招揽顾客。