He received his Bachelor of Science degree from Western Michigan University(WMU), an MBA from Eastern Michigan University and an ARM certification from the Insurance Institute of America. 德普拉先生在西密歇根大学取得理科学士学位,在东密歇根大学取得工商管理硕士学位,并且于美国保险协会取得高级风险管理师的认证。
" All humans exposed to radiation suffer harm," professor Janette at the environmental institute at Western Michigan University(WMU) in says. 所有被辐射的人群健康都会受损,西密歇根大学环境研究所教授珍妮特说道。
I am pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to the MA program in economics at Western Michigan University(WMU). Congratulations! 今天收到学校的一封信,结果没有读懂到底是同意我申请还是录取了,内容如下。