In my last match, I tried to leap a linebacker. 在最.近一次比赛中,我试图跳跃过一名后卫。
Roxanne did you get hurt when that linebacker tackled you? I could hear the hit all the way up in the stands. 萝珊当那个线卫擒抱你时,你有没有受伤?我在看台上都能听到撞击声。
First, the running distances of forward and linebacker are most, for the position division, tactics, and the personal habits of athletes. 大超联赛(北区)男子篮球运动员的跑动距离显示三个显著特点,首先前锋和后卫跑动距离最多,这与位置分工、战术和运动员个人习惯等因素有关。