In order to make use of the information of consonant length, a transition probability from consonant to vowel concerning the length of consonant is added in the HMM framework based on Chinese half - syllable units. 为有效利用声母音长的差异信息,本文在基于半音节(声韵母)识别单元的HMM框架模型中加入声母音长的转移概率。
Female learners produced significantly more deviations than male learners in both number and type. There was a greater difference of deviation for the production of onset consonant clusters following either a vowel or a consonant. 无论是偏差率还是偏差类型,女性学习者都比男性学习者产出了更多的偏差,尤其是在元音后的辅音丛产出中偏差更明显。
Whenever a word ending in a consonant sound is followed by a word beginning with a vowel sound, the consonant sound is linked to the vowel sound as if they were part of the same word. 每当一个字的声母终了健全其次是一个字开头的元音音,辅音健全是分不开的元音声,犹如他们是同一个词。