I heard the sentry cock his sub-machine gun. 我听到哨兵拉上了手提机关枪的扳机。
A 100 per cent flexible, very lightweight jacket can stop a 9mm bullet. But you 'll still need something heavier for a sub-machine gun. 100%弹力、非常轻便的夹克可以阻截直径9毫米的子弹。但要经受住冲锋枪的攻击的话,你仍需穿着厚一些的防弹衣。
At the age of three Comrade Ogilvy had refused all toys except a drum, a sub-machine gun, and a model helicopter. 还是三岁的时候,奥吉尔维同志什么玩具也不要,除去一面鼓,一挺轻机枪,加上一架模型直升机。
Shotgun and Sub-machine Gun Instructor Refresher Course [ Customs and Excise Department ] 猎枪及轻机枪导师进修课程〔香港海关〕
Sub-machine Gun Training Course [ Customs and Excise Department ] 轻机枪训练课程〔香港海关〕