Singular Noun(SN) refers to one person, animal, thing or place. 单数名词(SN)是指一个人,一只动物,一件物品或一个地方。
Give the plural of each singular noun below. 试用以下单数名词(SN)的复数式来填充空格。
The " Mansions " is a singular noun, but most people who live and work there speak of its five blocks, A to E, their lifts connecting only at the dim and claustrophobic bazaar on the first two floors. “大厦”是单数名词(SN),不过在这里面居住和工作的大部分人都说这有五个街区,从A到E,它的电梯仅仅连接着昏暗和幽闭集市的前两层。
The prototypes of definiteness in English are the definite article the and the indefinite article a / an, and singular noun phrases determined by them. 在英语中,限定性的原型是定冠词the和不定冠词a/an,以及由它们构成的简单的名词短语。
English people use the singular form of the noun in expressions of that sort. 英国人在这类词组中,常用名词的单数。