The answer could lie in online self-managing collaborative ventures of the kind that created the free open-source pc operating system, Linux. 解决方法可能在于在线自我管理型合作项目,就是创造了免费开源个人电脑操作系统Linux的那类项目。
The timely detection of problems and constantly optimize the collaborative process; the task of passing through automated processes to improve operating speed; the system information through effective reminders, email reminders, SMS reminders to improve staff response time to process to coordinate teamwork. 及时发现问题并不断优化协作流程;通过自动的任务传递提高流程运行速度;通过有效的系统信息催办,邮件催办,短信催办提高工作人员的响应速度,以流程来协调团队协作。