The reasons of studying female family violence offense being a pretty pass are various, main of which lies that family violence is always concealed on purpose or not, even concealed normal. 目前女性家庭暴力犯罪研究陷入困境,其原因是多方面的,其中主要在于家庭暴力总是被有意无意地掩盖起来,甚至被认为是正常的事情。
However the seepage caused by poor construction of concealed pipes hinders the normal utilization of the toilets. 但水平管道暗敷导致地面防水渗漏屡有发生,从而了影响卫生间的使用功能。
The passage of time, many historic concealed is sensitive to the normal cannot know the facts. 流逝的时间尘封了历史,不少敏感的史实是常人无法知道的。
There are several ways to design and cultivate concealed moral education, they are normal curriculum construction, campus culture construction, environment construction and social practice carrier, etc. 隐性德育设计与开发的基本方法有正规课程建设法、校园文化建设方法、环境建设法和社会实践载体建设法等等。
Researchers tend to distinguish normal software from malicious one to the most extent, but behavioral characteristics of malicious software are often concealed by behavioral differences of immense normal software activities. 现有的研究总是期望在最广的范围内对正常程序和恶意软件进行区分,而恶意软件的特征行为往往会被庞大的正常软件行为所掩盖。