Unless individual access permissions are specified in the user profile, this policy controls access to the network. 除非在用户配置文件(UP)中指定了访问权限,否则本策略控制对网络的访问。
There is one copy of each of these files for each user profile that is installed on the system. 对于这些文件中的每一个,都有一个副本对应于系统上安装的每个用户配置文件(UP)。
The user profile database and services database are the same, please verify. 用户配置文件(UP)数据库和服务数据库相同,请验证。
The data access layer provides a semantic data store, a user profile, and the rules database. 数据访问层提供了一种语义数据存储、一个用户个人文件以及规则数据库。
Can I change my User Profile(UP), and how? 我可以改变我的用户概况,和怎麽?