If their businesses meet this increased demand through environmentally-friendly production methods, they will be rewarded with " certified emission reduction " ( CER ) credits, which they can sell to western companies that fall short of carbon allocations. 如果它们的企业能够通过环保的生产方式满足大幅增加的需求,它们就能获得经核证的减排量(CER)信用额作为奖励。它们可以将这些额度出售给碳排放配额不足的西方公司。
China, as the most important seller in CDM project market, account for 84 % of the certified carbon emission reduction ( CERs ) trade share. 中国作为CDM项目市场中最重要的卖方,占有市场84%的原始核证碳减排量(pCERs)交易份额。