Open a command prompt and change directory to the location where the solution file is located. 打开命令提示符窗口并将目录更改为解决方案文件所在的位置。
Netscape is unable to send the change directory ( cd ) command, to the FTP server. Netscape无法把更改目录(CD)(cd)命令发送到FTP服务器。
You can then change directory to your copy of the maps project and use the commands discussed earlier to begin working with the files in that project in Git. 您可以将目录更改为地图项目副本,并使用之前讨论的命令在Git中开始处理该项目中的文件。
If I wanted to recover individual files from an internal snapshot, all I need do is change directory to the appropriate snapshot location and copy the files manually using the cp command. 如果我希望从内部快照恢复独立文件,我所需做的就是将目录更改为合适的快照位置,使用cp命令手动复制文件。
Use the change directory command to change to the threads directory. 使用“更改目录(CD)”命令转到“threads”目录。