Now two very well known forms of argument are dignified with ancient Latin names you will quite likely have come across at least the first of these very commonly used Modus ponens. 两个著名论点,分别用古拉丁语命名,其中一个就是,常用的演绎推理。
The authors prove that the two classes of algorithms hold the continuity properties in the cases of fuzzy modus ponens and fuzzy modus tollens. 证明了在模糊假言推理和模糊拒取式推理情形,这两类算法都拥有连续性。
Modus ponens from premises " if A, then C, A " can be suppressed with the introduction of the additional premise " if C, then Q, " when Q is a consequential conditionals with a negative outcome. 当引进了额外前提如果C,那么Q,而且这个额外前提是一个带有消极结果的结果性条件时,如果A,那么C,A肯定式会受到抑制。
To approximate reasoning on IFL, mathematical formulas of inference compositional operations on generalized modus ponens, modus tollens, and hypothetical syllogism are derived. 针对直觉模糊近似推理,给出了推广的取式推理、拒式推理及假言推理等的合成运算公式。