Today, music has become a multi-billion dollar industry, generator profits for countries, businesses, and people all over the world. 今天,音乐也成为一个非常赚钱的产业,为一些国家、公司以及个人带来了巨大的经济效益。
Some providers of background music have been known to promote their services by claiming they can boost profits by controlling the behaviour of customers. 一些背景音乐的提供商说,他们可以通过控制顾客的行为来提高利润,从而提升他们的服务。
So can the music industry adapt to the times and turn the technology that's taken its profits into a positive. 那么,唱片业是否能顺应时代潮流,采取技术从而重新赢利呢?
During the working period, I use all sorts of intelligence games, classical music and even the guitar as my consultation tools to sign contracts with customers and create profits for the company. 工作期间我利用各种智力游戏、古典音乐、甚至是吉他作为我的咨询工具与客户签约,为公司创造业绩。
According to the current running state of Music Channel, this essay summarizes its present predicaments : the slight attention after its broadcasting; the block of the program broadcasting channel; the lack of profits; 笔者根据音乐频道目前运营状况总结梳理出其所面临的困境即开播后未引起强烈关注、节目播出渠道不畅通、音乐频道没有盈利、首播节目量小,没有品牌节目支撑等。