The crisis has been brewing since the start of the year. 年初以来这场危机就一直在酝酿中。
QIN Han-zhang, famous scientist and engineering expert, also the pioneer and leading scholar in the field of food science and industrial fermentation and brewing techniques, is 98 years of age this year. 秦含章老先生今年98岁高龄,是我国老一辈著名的科学家和工程技术专家,也是我国食品科学技术和工业发酵与酿造技术的开拓者和学术带头人。
Shipments were up 24 % over last year. 在它的带动下,雅各•雷内恩库格尔酿酒公司(JacobLeinenkugelBrewingCompany)的年产量现已飙升至近100万桶。