The Competitive Advantage Period(CAP) ( CAP ) is the sustainable time during which the business investment income exceeds the capital cost. This concept joints together effectively the theory of stock value of assessment and the theory of business competitive advantage appraisal. 竞争优势持续期是企业投资收益率超过资本成本的可持续时间,这一概念有效联结了股票估值理论与企业竞争优势评价理论。
Competitive Advantage Period(CAP) and Valuation of Firms 竞争优势持续期与企业估价
Referring to international experience and domestic research, using the latest research productions in the fields of modern microeconomic such as valuation theory, competitive advantage theory and strategy management theory, this thesis has studied " competitive advantage period and firm valuation " systematically. 本文借鉴国内外研究成果,综合运用企业估价理论、企业竞争优势理论、企业战略管理理论对竞争优势持续期与企业估价进行了系统的研究。
An Appraisal on the Competitive Advantage Period(CAP) in Our Home Appliances Industry 我国家电行业上市公司的竞争优势持续期评价
Evaluation of Listed Banks by Competitive Advantage Period(CAP) 竞争优势持续期对上市银行的评价